If you are facing criminal charges, you are probably anxious and scared. Don’t stick your head in the sand and hope the problem will go away. It won’t. Law enforcement is building a case against you. You need to get a Gainesville criminal defense attorney at work on your case—the sooner, the better. The right attorney and the right defense can make all the difference in the outcome.
Criminal Defense
As a Gainesville criminal defense attorney and former public defender, Rick Mercure has the experience and knowledge to provide the vigorous defense your case demands. He will investigate the facts, protect you from overreaching police and prosecutors, and exhaust all options to get the charges reduced or dropped, or obtain a favorable plea deal. If neither of these are attainable, Rick is always ready to take it to trial.
The Law Offices of Richard Mercure, PA – RPM Law handles all criminal matters including, but not limited to:
- Assault and Battery
- Disorderly Conduct/Intoxication
- Domestic Violence
- Driving Offenses
- Drug Offenses
- Firearms/Weapons Offenses
- Homicide Offenses
- Probation Violations
- Theft and Property Offenses.
In addition, the firm has a particular focus on DUI defense.
DUI Defense
Many people believe fighting a DUI is futile; they are wrong. Experienced Gainesville criminal defense attorneys understand that law enforcement error is a source of many effective defenses. For instance:
- Police officers must have a legally justified reason to pull you over.
- They must follow their agencies protocol to a “T” in administering field sobriety exercises and in arresting a suspect and providing Miranda warnings.
- The breath test operator must be qualified, established protocols must be followed, and the machine must be maintained in good working order.
- Blood must be drawn by trained personnel; it must be properly labeled, preserved, and stored; and it must be tested using accepted procedures and techniques.
Traffic Violations
Traffic tickets are more than a minor inconvenience. Fines and insurance hikes are costly and if you accumulate enough points, your license will be suspended. Paying the fine is not your only choice. Traffic tickets can be successfully contested. Mr. Mercure knows how the police operate and how to spot mistakes that can lead to a dismissal or other positive result.
Criminal traffic violations, like driving on a suspended license or hit and run, are serious crimes. A conviction will result in high fines, a suspended license, and community service, or even jail time. You will have a blot on both your driving record and your criminal record. Retaining a Gainesville criminal defense attorney to fight the charges is well-worth the investment.
Most criminal traffic violations hinge on evidence provided by the arresting officer. It can often be attacked and shown to be inadequate by good legal counsel.
Contact a Gainesville Criminal Defense Attorney at RPM Law
Any criminal charge is serious and requires knowledgeable and aggressive legal representation. Protect yourself by calling us at the first sign of trouble. Get the facts and assert your rights. Call the Law Offices of Richard Mercure, PA – RPM Law at (352) 222-2047 for a free, confidential case evaluation.